
以支持博彩平台网址大全博彩平台网址大全的全面一些工作, 到2025年,博彩平台网址大全将积极推进三个重点领域. 阅读下面的内容,了解更多博彩平台网址大全每个重点领域的信息.


博彩平台网址大全, diversity is critical to what we do: We need the widest range of perspectives and ideas to address complex challenges in science and medicine. 这些广泛的贡献只能来自高度多样化的员工群体, which brings the knowledge and insights gained from life experiences across the spectrum. An equal number of women and men is one among many of the critical characteristics that define this community.


博彩平台网址大全公司的几乎所有级别,包括高级管理人员, 董事, and executive 董事 – our global employee population reflects an equal number of women and men. 在高层领导中, 博彩平台网址大全妇女的平均百分比继续增加, 博彩平台网址大全正在积极努力延长这一上升轨迹.

Our commitment to equal representation among women and men is evident in our employee demographics: women represent nearly half or more of global 博彩平台网址大全 员工 from individual contributors to executive 董事, 以及40%的高层领导, 包括副总裁及以上职位, 是女性.


We are committed to achieving equal executive representation among women and men in the future. 为达致这个目标,博彩平台网址大全正采取多项策略,包括:

  • Ensuring significant representation of women in candidate pools for leadership positions across the organization
  • 要求面试小组包括女性代表, prioritizing feedback from diverse perspectives through the interview process as selections are made
  • Providing professional development and coaching opportunities to promote women and other underrepresented groups from within, such as a mentor program that partners talented individuals with development partners


Continuing to support people of color will remain among our highest priorities for the 博彩平台网址大全 community. When people from all walks of life come together to solve a difficult biomedical challenge, 其结果比单个视角的影响要大得多. 因此,多样性对博彩平台网址大全博彩平台网址大全的使命至关重要. We must ensure that our workforce reflects a broad spectrum of views and ideas to address the highly complex conditions that affect people around the world.

有色人种:美国人口的一半.S. 从高级管理人员到员工

25年前, 博彩平台网址大全从拥抱差异开始, acknowledging and addressing the unmet medical needs of people with rare conditions. 重视差异的坚定承诺仍然是博彩平台网址大全公司的核心, 博彩平台网址大全一直在努力支持的地方, 理解并支持博彩平台网址大全员工群体中的有色人种. This work takes many forms – from a wide range of Employee Resource Groups representing people of color across the spectrum, 为全球员工提供基础和高级一些培训, to our with organizations that connect us with bright young underrepresented interns who will become the biomedical leaders of tomorrow.

While data protection rules do not allow people of color demographics to be collected in all of our global regions, 你可用.S. 数据显示,有色人种目前占美国人口的一半.S. 博彩平台网址大全员工从个人贡献者到高级管理人员, 有色人种,包括亚裔美国人, 西班牙/ LatinX, 黑色/非裔美国人, 夏威夷原住民/太平洋岛民, 以及美洲印第安人/阿拉斯加土著人.

博彩平台网址大全的一些之旅中,博彩平台网址大全还有很多进步要做. 前进, we remain committed to supporting and advancing particularly underrepresented groups throughout 博彩平台网址大全.


We have critical work to do toward our goal of increasing people of color representation in our U.S. 博彩平台网址大全正在利用每一个机会推进这项工作. We are taking active steps to ensure more people of color are represented at higher leadership levels, 招聘更多的初级黑人和拉丁裔员工, and to provide educational opportunities for the underrepresented youth who will become the next generation of biomedical leaders. 这些步骤包括:

  • 扩大努力,实现候选人的多样性, 包括跨业务部门的副总监及以上职位
  • Supporting recruitment by increasing strategic attendance and partnerships at conferences, 学校, 以及为代表性不足的群体设立的组织
  • 增加面试小组的多样性, 并将一些的概念和行为纳入面试小组成员的培训中
  • Creating professional development programs to increase retention and leadership communities for our underrepresented diverse population, including a Mentor Program that partners talented individuals with development partners
  • Partnering with community organizations to provide internship opportunities for people of color in high school and college

博彩平台网址大全 U.S. 有色人种员工代表

U.S. 有色人种的数据如下所示.

在美国保持完全的薪酬平等.S. 并在全球范围内最大程度地增加

继续展现他们最好的一面, 真实的自己每天都在工作, our 员工 must be confident that they are equitably valued and acknowledged by our company. Only then can our workforce feel empowered to contribute their best ideas toward solving complex biomedical challenges and developing life-changing therapies for the people we serve.

美国企业薪酬完全平等.S. 员工

博彩平台网址大全是薪酬公平方面的行业领导者, 为员工争取公平合理的薪酬. We have a longstanding history of conducting consistent and comprehensive pay practice reviews at key stages in the employee experience, 包括在雇用时以及在年度绩效和晋升周期期间. 自2018年以来, all of our reviews have received rigorous external analysis in addition to our extensive internal validation processes, and we have continued to earmark funds in our annual budget to address identified discrepancies.

Our sustained focus has resulted in the highest pay equity standards for our 员工. Since 2019, we have had equitable pay across total compensation between women and men in the U.S.从2021年开始,博彩平台网址大全实现了所有美国员工的完全薪酬平等.S. 员工. 除了, 博彩平台网址大全在全球其他地区也采用了行之有效的薪酬做法, striving to ensure that all 博彩平台网址大全 员工 around the world are compensated fairly and equitably.


We are increasing pay equity even more at 博彩平台网址大全 by utilizing all available data to ensure equity in each global region to the fullest extent possible. U.S. 数据规则允许博彩平台网址大全收集美国性别和种族的人口统计数据.S. 员工, which we have used to achieve full pay equity among all of these 员工. 其他博彩平台网址大全区域的数据规则, 包括欧洲, 拉丁美洲, 及亚太地区, 允许收集员工的性别统计数据,而不是种族. We have made great strides toward achieving full pay equity across gender in our other 博彩平台网址大全 regions, and we are implementing several strategies and best practices to ultimately reach full pay equity regardless of gender:

  • 定期订定薪酬基准, using reputable salary survey information and market comparators representing biotech/pharma companies, with these analyses accounting for all compensation components including base salary, 奖金, 股权奖励
  • 内部公平薪酬实践, 例如工作家庭/水平和薪酬结构/等级, 通过定期分析来识别异常值
  • 与绩效挂钩的薪酬计划.g., 奖金, equity), and department calibration meetings to review talent and performance